442 research outputs found

    Aspectos metodológicos para el análisis del desarrollo profesional en matemáticas: el caso de una maestra de primaria

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    Presentamos un estudio del desarrollo profesional de una maestra, ubicado en la agenda de investigación de un proyecto en curso. Nos hemos centrado en la construcción y el posterior análisis de cuatro aspectos clave: conocimiento didáctico matemático, reflexión sobre la práctica, colaboración en comunidad y empoderamiento en la acción. Resumimos los tipos de datos recogidos y los relacionamos entre ellos y con los cuatro aspectos mencionados. A partir de ahí, damos cuenta de un resultado sobre evidencias de empoderamiento en la acción

    Projecte interdisciplinari de professionalització (pip) a la titulació de sociologia

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    La Facultat de Ciències Politiques i de Sociologia de la UAB ha desenvolupat des del curs 2002/2003 una Area de Professionalització amb la finalitat de millorar les competències professionals i la capacitat d'inserció dels titulats de Ciències Polítiques i de Sociologia en el mercat de treball. El desenvolupament de les assignatures d'aquesta Àrea de professionalització ha fet palesa la necessitat de coordinació d'aquestes assignatures amb les assignatures "teòriques" de la llicenciatura. Tot plegat en la línia tradicional d'establir la millor integració possible entre teoria i pràctica. Així doncs, els Projectes Interdisciplinaris de Professionalització (PIP) tenen l'objectiu d'ajudar a cobrir, mitjançant la cooperació interdisciplinar, les llacunes detectades a l'hora d'integrar la teoria i la pràctica

    Cuestiones sin resolver en la Ley integral de medidas contra la violencia de género : las distinciones entre sexo y género, y entre violencia y agresión

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    El siguiente artículo presenta dos debates teóricos, la distinción entre sexo y género, y entre violencia y agresión, para analizar el modo en el que éstos se encuentran presentes en la Ley integral de medidas contra la violencia de género. Desgranaremos las consecuencias que comportan las concepciones de violencia y género implícitas en la Ley, así como el modelo de relaciones que contribuye a reproducir.This article introduces two theoretical discussions, the distinction between sex and gender and between violence and aggression, in order to analyse them in the Framework Law on integrated protection measures against gender violence. We show the consequences of the definitions of violence and gender in that law, which contribute to reproduce the present relationship system

    Strain-Hardness Correlation in Aluminium Butt Cold Welded Joints

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    Butt cold welding is a solid phase welding process where welding occurs by plastic deformation of the metals to be welded. It is obtained by cold pressing until the expansion of the contact zone of the two parts creates contaminant-free areas, allowing the contact and creation of a common lattice between the opposing clean surfaces. Consequently, butt cold pressure welding raises interesting theoretical and practical issues related to the material large plastic deformation, and its consequent hardening. The method used to determine the 99.5%Al hardness-strain correlation is based on Vickers micro-hardness HV0.5 test results on upset bars at different values of effective strain. Two approximations of the relationship between hardness and the effective strain were determined, namely as a rational function, and as a power function. These functions were used for validating an original FEM model of 99.5% Al bar butt cold welding

    Acción colectiva feminista y sus repertorios: de calles y hashtags. : Una revisión de literatura

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    Aquest article presenta una revisió de la literatura sobre les accions col·lectives i els repertoris d'acció de moviments feministes. L´objectiu és conèixer l´estat de l´art i reflexionar sobre les potencialitats que aquestes categories analítiques aporten a l´estudi de les diferents expressions del moviment feminista en el context actual. Per això, s'ha dut a terme una revisió sistematitzada de la literatura publicada entre el 1994 i el 2020 al voltant dels repertoris d'acció col·lectiva feminista a la base de dades Web of Science. A partir d'una selecció final de 63 articles, els principals resultats de la investigació revelen el fenomen de la transnacionalització i les aliances transfrontereres entre activistes feministes; la rellevància dels feminismes del Sud Global als nous repertoris d'acció col·lectiva; la importància de l'activisme feminista en espais digitals i la incorporació de l'epistemologia feminista a l'estudi d'aquest fenomen donant pas a metodologies que privilegien els testimonis de les activistes.This article presents a review of the literature on the collective actions and repertoires of contention of feminist movements. The objective is to identify the state of the art and to reflect on the possibilities that these analytical categories offer the study of the different expressions of the feminist movement in the contemporary context. To this end, a systematic review has been conducted of articles published between 1994 and 2020 on the repertoires of contention of feminist organizations in the Web of Science database. Based on a final selection of 63 articles, the main findings of the research include the rise of transnationalization and cross-border alliances of feminist activists; the significance of feminisms of the Global South in new repertoires of collective action; the importance of feminist activism in digital spaces; and the incorporation of feminist epistemology into the study of this phenomenon, giving rise to methodologies that privilege the testimonies of activists.Este artículo presenta una revisión de la literatura en torno a las acciones colectivas y los repertorios de acción de movimientos feministas. El objetivo es conocer el estado del arte y reflexionar sobre las potencialidades que estas categorías analíticas aportan al estudio de las distintas expresiones del movimiento feminista en el contexto actual. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo una revisión sistematizada de la literatura publicada entre 1994 y 2020 en torno a los repertorios de acción colectiva feminista en la base de datos Web of Science. A partir de una selección final de 63 artículos, los principales resultados de la investigación revelan el fenómeno de la transnacionalización y las alianzas transfronterizas entre activistas feministas; la relevancia de los feminismos del Sur Global en los nuevos repertorios de acción colectiva; la importancia del  activismo feminista en espacios digitales y,  la incorporación de la epistemología feminista en el estudio de este fenómeno dando paso a metodologías que privilegian los testimonios de las/les activista

    The fruit of Olea europaea L. as a dietary source of bioactive compounds

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    Podeu consultar el III Workshop anual INSA-UB complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/118993Sessió 2. Pòster 1

    Practical Guidelines for Perioperative Hypersensitivity Reactions

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    Perioperative hypersensitivity reactions constitute a first-line problem for anesthesiologists and allergists. Therefore, hospitals should have a consensus protocol for the diagnosis and management of these reactions. However, this kind of protocol is not present in many hospitals, leading to problems with treatment, reporting of incidents, and subsequent etiological diagnosis. In this document, we present a systematic review of the available scientific evidence and provide general guidelines for the management of acute episodes and for referral of patients with perioperative hypersensitivity reactions to allergy units. Members of the Drug Allergy Committee of the Spanish Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (SEAIC) have created this document in collaboration with members of the Spanish Anesthesia Society (SEDAR). A practical algorithm is proposed for the etiologic diagnosis, and recommendations are provided for the management of hypersensitive patients

    The ins and outs of the BCCAo model for chronic hypoperfusion: a multimodal and longitudinal MRI approach

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    Cerebral hypoperfusion induced by bilateral common carotid artery occlusion (BCCAo) in rodents has been proposed as an experimental model of white matter damage and vascular dementia. However, the histopathological and behavioral alterations reported in this model are variable and a full characterization of the dynamic alterations is not available. Here we implemented a longitudinal multimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) design, including time- of-flight angiography, high resolution T1-weighted images, T2 relaxometry mapping, diffusion tensor imaging, and cerebral blood flow measurements up to 12 weeks after BCCAo or sham-operation in Wistar rats. Changes in MRI were related to behavioral performance in executive function tasks and histopathological alterations in the same animals. MRI frequently (70%) showed various degrees of acute ischemic lesions, ranging from very small to large subcortical infarctions. Independently, delayed MRI changes were also apparent. The patterns of MRI alterations were related to either ischemic necrosis or gliosis. Progressive microstructural changes revealed by diffusion tensor imaging in white matter were confirmed by observation of myelinated fiber degeneration, including severe optic tract degeneration. The latter interfered with the visually cued learning paradigms used to test executive functions. Independently of brain damage, BCCAo induced progressive arteriogenesis in the vertebrobasilar tree, a process that was associated with blood flow recovery after 12 weeks. The structural alterations found in the basilar artery were compatible with compensatory adaptive changes driven by shear stress. In summary, BCCAo in rats induces specific signatures in multimodal MRI that are compatible with various types of histological lesion and with marked adaptive arteriogenesis

    Evaluation of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on people and organisations in long-term care facilities of Catalonia and proposals for improving the care model: the resicovid-19 project

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    Background: During the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is estimated that around 25% of infected residents in Nursing Homes in Catalonia died, which accounted for more than 50% of total COVID-19 deaths in the region. This devastating impact not only highlights the structural deficits of the long-term care facilities system, but it also provides a unique opportunity to gather evidence to support a redesign of the health and social care models–a redesign that focuses on individuals and their singularities, and is equipped with the staff and infrastructure required to meet their needs. Methods: The ResiCOVID-19 project will include five work packages to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic (from March 2020 to June 2022) on the individuals living in long-term care facilities in Catalonia, their family members, health care workers, and the organisations themselves. In this project, we will develop proposals for improvement and indicators for the long-term care model in Catalonia to better adapt to the current and future needs of people-centred care through conducting a rapid review, analysis of international experiences, retrospective analysis, and a cross-sectional study. The analysis will be conducted both from a quantitative and a qualitative perspective, measuring the impact at a system level as well as at a setting and individual level, including residents, families, professionals, and managers of longterm care facilities. Conclusions: The ResiCOVID-19 project is expected to have a significant impact at different dimensions, including the care model, social and organisational aspects (on professionals and facilities), systemic efforts (both for the healthcare and the social systems), and scientific contributions (providing evidence in a field of limited research in Catalonia)